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So the hatemail dubbed me THE.... Sodomite Hal Duncan!! (sic) So I will wear that with pride, cuntfuckers. It's like The Outlaw Josie Wales only better, right? I mean, did he have a fully capitalised THE, an extra-long dramatic pause, and two exclamation marks? No, he did not. Chickenshit.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Nice. Although I have to admit to digging the UK version more.
Hey you! Congratulations on the British Fantasy Award nomination!!!!
Jason: It's pretty much a straight tie for me. I think the US INK goes with the US VELLUM and the UK INK goes with the UK VELLUM, and I think both sets are just sweet.
La Gringa: Hey, you!!! Cheers, me dear. Hope yer well. :)
hey al, am sure it would make a great student ID for you....though you must be dissapointed not to get the bloke from Gary's Against Gravity cover...!!
That looks fantastic, and makes me hope that Del Rey is releasing Ink sooner than its projected 2007 release date; I finally gave in last night and bought Vellum, despite the fact that I only tend to buy series, trilogies, or duologies if they're finished so I can read them at once!
Hmmm. Like the darker American cover, except for the typography, which is frankly dull and ugly block capitals compared to the more evocative lower case UK cover. Then again, I thought that about the Vellum covers as well, so I suppose there's a kind of continuity there...
Such a shame it is only in trade paperback . . .
The American version almost seems like a negative of the UK edition, and throws up more details.
I'll get both and decide in person!
i would love to see the US cover with the UK typeface. to me, that would be the ultimate cover.
cant wait for its release! got my copy preordered already :D
Beautiful! I can't wait till it comes out. I'm in the middle of VELLUM now and have been comparing it to fugues to anyone who asks me what I think of it. "Brilliantly written. Bach on paper. Now let me read, dammit!"
I love both covers. Seeing Vellum's cover is what prompted me to pick it up. ( Still reading it, by the way. ) I'm just relieved to know there will be another book, and that I actually started with the right one first. I have to admit I'm 2/3's through the book and I'm just barely starting to understand. Not that it matters. The book is great whether or not I understand what's going on. Can't wait for Ink!
Al, I put a picture of you up on LibraryThing for its set of author photos
Then it occurred to me that you might object. Let me know, and I'll take it down. Or you can get a nicer picture up there. It was that one or one of you dressed up as a Mystery Man.
Al, baby, I miss you! When you gonna come do Iggy Pop karaoke again with me???
Hey John. No worries. But that's not the Mystery Man photo! I'm disappointed.
La Gringa, pumpkin, next time I'm in NY it'll be every Iggy song in the book. :)
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