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So the hatemail dubbed me THE.... Sodomite Hal Duncan!! (sic) So I will wear that with pride, cuntfuckers. It's like The Outlaw Josie Wales only better, right? I mean, did he have a fully capitalised THE, an extra-long dramatic pause, and two exclamation marks? No, he did not. Chickenshit.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Good interview! Very loose and fun.
Btw, I just read the rest of EV9, and wanted to let you know I really enjoyed "The Chiaroscurist." I even wrote about it at my blog. It's not a hot tub blog, but they can't all be.
Must say I was chuffed with it myself. Thanks, Hal!
Cheers, guys! Yeah, it was a fun freewheeling interview. Extra cheers, indeed, to Dubs fer inviting us in the first place.
But, ah yes! The special -ist issue of Electric Velocipede has much yummy goodness in it. All the -ists you could ever want, in fact. Now if I could just think of a joke starting "A chiaroscurist, a euonymist and a solipsist walk into a bar..."
But as for you, Anonymous Spambot Commenter. I care nothing for the residential preferences of Microsoft executives, and unless there's naughty goings on in them there hot tubs I don't want to know. So gerroff ma blog, ya bass!
The power of the Delete button compels thee! The power of the mouse-click compels thee!
Ok, so, a chiaroscurist, a euonymist and a solipsist walk into a bar and the chiarascurist turns to the euonymist and says, "So, eh, what's a 'euonymist', anyway?" and the solipsist says, "It takes one to know one! ha ha ha" And the chiaroscurist says, "Shut up; if you can't make it all clear right there in black & white, then just admit that you don't know what a 'euonymist' is either, ya big sissy." And the solipsist says, "I can't hear you, I can't hear you, na na na na na na na."
Wait, did you mean a funny joke?
...because I feel it is of vital importance that you know the origins of "all your base are belong to us"...
Damn! Zero Wing... why do I feel I should have known that. Bugger.
Ta, TK. My curiosity is now quenched.
And I'm now going to use the phrase "Somebody set up us the bomb" at every opportunity too!
Ya got me, taleswapper. Very funny joke there.
And, OMG, Zero Wing... Someone actually did a mashup of the intro to that game with high intensity techno music, and it worked.
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