Notes from New Sodom

... rantings, ravings and ramblings of strange fiction writer, THE.... Sodomite Hal Duncan!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Pre-Eastercon Reading

I meant to post about this earlier, but didn't get round to it. Anybody who's coming up to Eastercon and will be there on the Thursday night before may well want to pop along to the Ingram bar in town where the GSFWC (in their capacity as Word Dogs) and the Edinburgh mob (in their capacity as Writer's Bloc) will be doing a joint reading. It's free entry, as Glasgow's Kilgore Trout fan group have hired a part of the bar for the evening, for their monthly meeting, and have kindly set aside some space for us. Kick off at 7:30 or 8:00, I think.

Anyway, I'll be reading some fun explodey bits from VELLUM (I was going to do my scabrous sonnet sequence dedicated to Orpheus, but the bar's open to the public and while I'm personally quite comfortable with my utter disregard for delicate sensibilities, it wouldn't be fair on others -- like Trout, the GSFWC -- for me to alienate half the audience and cause complaints to the landlord). I'm not entirely sure who else will be reading (I'll update as and when it's finalised) but it should be a packed evening. And, hey, if us writer-types fail to entertain you, you can always jump ship to the Kilgore Trout guys, who'll be more than happy to welcome any visitors, I'm sure.


Blogger Gary Gibson, science fiction writer said...

You forgot to mention that Borders is hosting a Tor UK event on Good Friday, which we'll both be at.

3:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And my cameras too will be there. I hope!

11:18 pm  

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