Notes from New Sodom

... rantings, ravings and ramblings of strange fiction writer, THE.... Sodomite Hal Duncan!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rinky Dink Links

Anna Tambour on meaning in the universe, the human gut and a sea squirt. Brilliant as ever.

David Schwartz on the difference in forms between the novel and the short story.

And on a purely selfish note, I returned from Germany last week to find a box of little baby VELLUMs waiting for me. I had thought the release date for the mass-market paperback was August but it turns out, nope, its only two days off now, 7th July. Apparently it's already been sighted in the shops. So any UK folks who couldn't afford the ouchy-expensive hardback can now pick up a paperback copy for the rather more pocket-friendly price of £7.99. And if you don't want to throw money at our Corporate Overlords, ye can always order it from a nice indie bookseller like The Aust Gate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the pointer, Al. I should tell you that I've been working on a response to your Cultural Appropriation post because I found it a delight. Problem is, I felt that I couldn't do my response, which is tangential anyway, anywhere near the high level of your posting and its comments. I can tell you though, that the file name (to myself, referring to your essay is: "Stunningly good post" and the first line of my response (I'm telling you now because I don't know if I'll get the nerve to post anything): "Recently, Hal Duncan posted an essay, Cultural Appropriation, on his ever-thought-provoking blog that could, together with the comments that followed, threaten the internet as we know it, giving online thought and discussion a good name."

4:58 am  
Blogger Hal Duncan said...

LOL! If ye don't post it, at least email it to me. I'm always interested in yer take.

2:34 pm  

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