Sad Puppy
Sad Puppy get up get coffee
Sad Puppy get up get coffee
Sad Puppy go to work
Sad Puppy write awesome fiction
For SJW jerks
Jerks say Sad Puppy very diligent
But his output stink
His work not "functional" or "elegant"
What do Sad Puppy think?
Sad Puppy think SJW want to kill science fiction out of spite
Sad Puppy not racist, just prick
Sad Puppy not sexist, just dick
Sad Puppy hate Hugos
Sad Puppy hate SJWs
Sad Puppy very straight white man
With wee cold broken rotten heart:
Sad Puppy hate you
Sad Puppy hate you
Sad Puppy try to game the Hugos
Tell you better vote right
Sad Puppy offer slate of garbage
Bring you hate, bring you spite
You say no thank you for the garbage cause
Garbage pile of kack
No Award is better than these nominees
No time for hacks
Sad Puppy have long walk back to internet he sit down to whine at world
Sad Puppy not thinking so straight
Sad Puppy not feeling so great
Sad Puppy hate Hugos
Sad Puppy hate SJWs
Sad Puppy very straight white man
With wee cold broken rotten heart:
Sad Puppy hate you
Sad Puppy hate you
Sad Puppy have every reason
To shut up at last
Sad Puppy just keep on whining
Living in the past
Much rather rant and throw a hissy fit
Take hump, take huff
This genre "ruined by the politics"
Such a load of guff
Sad Puppy swear someday he have everything even sweet award like you
Sad Puppy just waiting for now
Sad Puppy say someday, somehow
Sad Puppy hate Hugos
Sad Puppy hate SJWs
Sad Puppy very straight white man
With wee cold broken rotten heart:
Sad Puppy hate you
Sad Puppy hate you